Calibro Transport Planning and Infrastructure Teams Work Flat-Out for Their Clients This Week!

  • a Transport Assessment, Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy for a new residential development in a rural part of Essex;
  • a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) and Drainage Strategy for a Battery Storage scheme, also in Essex;
  • a Transport Statement for an industrial development to increase the mix of uses in a small village in Dorset,
  • a Transport Statement, Drainage Strategy and Stopping Up Order for a new student accommodation scheme in the north east of England; and
  • two tender packs for a new secondary school in Worcestershire and for a residential apartment scheme in Sussex; and

Alied to this, we’ve undertaken appraisals for the promotion of a new 200-300 unit residential development located in a disused quarry, and a new food store on the South Coast of England.

We’ve also had time to support a public consultation event for a new Renewable Energy Centre in Sunderland whilst continuing to diligently progress other existing projects, including and not limited to:

  • two new retail parks and three residential projects in Wales;
  • two urban regeneration projects in Dorset and a further two regeneration projects in Birmingham; and
  • the delivery of a 7ha strategic employment site in Hampshire.

A big congratulations and thanks to the Calibro team on their sterling efforts – much appreciated by both us and our clients.