The facility will have capacity to process some 200,000 tonnes of residual (i.e. non-recyclable) waste per annum via the highly efficient and low-emission process of gasification. The proposed development will enable existing and planned future commercial land-uses in the locality to easily access a secure source of renewable energy.
Working alongside Pegasus Planning, Calibro has prepared a comprehensive Transport Assessment, Travel Plan and Environmental Impact Assessment of the likely traffic effects. Incorporated as part of our commission, we have provided detailed masterplan advice, including determining the means of vehicular and non-car access, on-site circulation and parking strategy.
Our evaluation of the associated effects included forecasting of committed development in the surrounding Primary Employment Area, including future upgrades to the baseline highway infrastructure, undertaking detailed capacity assessment of five nearby junctions.
We shall also be playing a key role in the public consultation strategy, which is planned to run over three days throughout September 2017.